About Skye

Skye is a child brand under SCALA USA and they want to create a distinct brand identity for Skye Collections. Skye is a fashion brand that makes special occasion dresses with handmade beaded. 



Brand StyleGuide



final design

By the end fo the project, I've created a logo with 4 other subtext variations in three colors. I've also created a Brand Style Guide and hangtags. 

The Process  

The first thing I did was to write a creative brief and go over with the clients. The Creative Brief covers everything about the project, whether it is simple project timeline or more in depth questions like brand positioning and target markets. After the client filled in the creative brief, I did research on the market, the competitors, the targeted audiences and gather images to create a mood board and also some initial sketches. 

After the client have reviewed the first inspiration documents, I created more sketches for the logo. 

Based on the sketches, I created some draft logos in digital, and below is one of the pages. Usually the process will be back and forth in revising the logo and improving after the client chose the best 3. 

Color Palette

For colors, I picked a very dark blue that almost mimic black color and purple color tone to stay away from "pinkish" just like the stereotype women fashion brands and competitors. Here's is a page on the style guide. 



For typography, I chose Poppins and Montserrat as the headlines and body copy respectively. I think Montserrat is a very stylish and modern, also it matches with Poppins perfectly. 

While Prata is mostly use in capital letter and in decorative slogan or text only. The Prata typeface can related to those classic Didot and Bodoni fonts, which are being used a lot in the high fashion industry. 

Brand Style Guide

After design the logos and settled on the color and typography, I have created the whole system for the brand. This brand style guide consist of 13 pages, discussing logo construction, logo variation, typography application and other supporting colors. 

Hang Tags

Apart from the branding and logos, I have also created the hang tags for the brand to put next to the clothes. The tags were in both dark blue and white.